Proudly Serving Our Veterans, Their Families, the Hutto Community and Our Country.
Veterans serving veterans and their families:
As a veteran, you often understand the unique challenges faced by other veterans and their families. Providing support, resources, and advocacy can make a significant difference in their lives.
Advocating for a strong national defense:
Get involved by supporting policies and programs that ensure the well-being of military personnel and their families, as well as maintaining a strong military capability.
Programs promoting patriotism and youth development:
Instilling patriotism and fostering positive values in young people is important for the future of any nation. Post 302 promotes and participates through local schools, educational programs, community service initiatives, and other activities.
Upholding American values and principles:
Get involved by promoting democracy, freedom, equality, and other core values that define the United States.
Being active in the community:
Engage with the local community, surrounding areas, and even on a national level demonstrates a commitment to making a positive impact beyond one's own organization.
🎉 Congratulations to Our Newly Elected Post Officers! 🎉
We are proud to announce and congratulate the newly elected officers of Richard A. Oman American Legion Post 302 for the 2025 term! These dedicated individuals have stepped up to lead our Post and continue our mission of serving veterans, military families, and our community.
Post 302 Officers for 2025:
Commander: Tim Thompson
1st Vice Commander: Melissa Sosa
2nd Vice Commander: Isrrael Quintero
Adjutant: Marty Ellman
Finance Officer: Jose Campa
Judge Advocate: Ben Town
Service Officer: George Willey
Post Historian: Faith O'Gilbert
Chaplain: John Teseeyman
Programs and Public Relations Officer: Will Williams
Member-At-Large: Tony Gaitan and Jason Paton
Sergeant-At-Arms: Ed Morgan and Daniel Castro
We thank them for their commitment and leadership as we work together to uphold the values of the American Legion and make a meaningful impact in our community.
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Duffel Bag

Next duffel is on 9 March

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